Thursday, January 27, 2011

Truth about Life

At last, I figured it out. Now I can proudly say that I know the truth about life.

Would I tell that to you?
Hmmm, let's see...

If I tell you, wouldn't you take it, map it to your world view and change the meaning fully?

So, I guess there is no point.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The other day I went to a Zumba session. Many people of all sizes and shapes were there. Instructor showed us many cool moves. However, I have the feeling those moves did not look that cool when I was doing them. Classes ended with a freestyle dance session.
After the session I realized I cannot walk well, since I seems to have stretched a muscle in my feet. Lucky for me I am a REIKI practitioner now.
I started self healing and after half an hour the pain substantially reduced. After doing self healing for two more days, half an hour each, I the pain fully subdued.