Tuesday, December 06, 2011

When you are angry

When you are angry, sad, frustrated, frightened, worried, just remember, it is not outside, it is inside.

You are already in control, whether you know it or not.


It's not about how they talk,
It's not about how they look,

It's not about how they dress,

It definitely not about how they behave towards you,

It's all about how you feel about them and behave towards them.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

New Home for all of you...

We built a new home.
Home for everyone.

Home for everyone to be themselves.

At our new home we offer Holistic Wellness.

It is Holistic Wellness Home.

At Holistic Wellness Home, you can book a Reiki healing session, learn to be a Reiki practitioner.
Schedule a Wellness Coaching session and much more.

See you there soon.

Love, Joy and Truth,

Friday, August 19, 2011

Energy: My experience

A long search that I started but soon after I became an energy worker came to an end. Question prompted the quest was "What is Energy?".

I started reading on many books and article on "energy". I was hoping that others would be able to tell me what "energy" is all about. I read about how some people can see color and shapes of "energy bodies" or aura, "energy center" or chakra, and some times energy it self.

More I read, more I start seeing the patterns. There seems to be only very few people who actually have seen energy phenomena. Others are just presenting second, third hand or even further away information. This holds true for many Internet Gurus.

The people who actually had experienced energy seems to have different experiences. Some talk about chakra some do not. Ones who experience chakra doesn't have the same experience either. Places are different, colors are different, and function are different.

Then it stuck me, all this in each individual's subjective experience. So my search finally brought it's results. "Answers are not out there, it's in here!"

My search for energy pointed back right at me.

So now the question changed itself, "What is energy for ME?".
Well, Energy for me is an experience based on the feeling and utilization.
  • I can move my palm over a surface and feel energy differences. This is very useful when scanning imbalances in humans, animals and places.
  • I can place my hands on a surface and transfer energy. My masters and colleagues can sense the increase of the energy. This is very useful for Healing and Re-balancing.
  • I can project energy to a distance location where others can sense the energy change. This is very useful for Remote Healing and Re-balancing.
So what about Chakra and Aura? Guess I will have to write about them when I experience them in someway.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Experiencing First Principle

First principle cannot be conveyed in words, doing so makes it the second principle and become useless.

First principle can only be experienced, and we regularly do so.

First principle is your highest thoughts and highest acts, those that fills you with Love and Joy.

First Principle

First principle is the highest truth about self (or god or being or higher self or any other world). First principle can only be experienced individually. Moment you say it, now it is the Second principle. It become word. Vague, ambiguous, misinterpreted and manipulated "words".

Only First Principle matters, Second principle is useless.

Words are useless

Words are useless.
Both written and spoken.
Only First Principle matters.

So what is first principle?


Didn't I just said word are useless?

Monday, June 20, 2011

When student is ready, the master appears

I am sure you have heard this many times, my most recent time was this week REIKI classes. One of the student was saying it to another.

This got me contemplating, "who is 'the Master'?" and "when is 'Ready'?".

Is 'the Master' a human being or a spiritual guide in the form of a human? Should they be a clergy or a teacher? Should I be waiting till someone identify I am 'Ready'?

For me 'the Master' is everything about the life situation, be it a person, a book, television, over hearing a conversation, reading a blog, watching a YouTube video etc.

'Ready' is NOW, this moment.

This statement refers to an attitude about life.
Am I going to acknowledge our masters Now... or Am I going to wait...?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What's after REIKI attunement?

Since many people ask this question, I felt a blog post is a must.

When should one start to practice REKI professionally? Or more specifically, should one start Professional REIKI Practice soon after attunement?

In my opinion, a REIKI practitioner should invest sometime on themselves before starting professional practice. I have two reasons emphasis this and both based on the fact that people perceive REIKI differently.

So first and foremost the practitioner needs to spend time understanding how they perceive REIKI energy and tune in to it. This will help to understand,
  • How do you feel REIKI?
  • When does your connection feel strong and when does it feel weak?
  • What are the different sensation what do they mean you?
Similarly different clients will perceive REIKI differently and they would have different responses. Unless you have faced some of the responses, you would not have any idea how to respond in a professional setting. Doing REIKI treatments for family and friends will help understand this dynamics.

So, spend some time before starting a professional REIKI career. That way, soon you would be on your way to be a great REIKI practitioner!

Love and Light!


Last week three of m best friends gave me gifts.

There were many fine things, and one really caught my heart.

It was a mug and it had a print "Gamaka, the Whitelighter".

Guys, you made my day!

Love and Light!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How do I deal with angry people?

May be someone is always finding fault about you, may be someone always talks to you in harsh tone and angry words, violent hand movements and gestures, may be someone is always passing sarcastic comments at you.

How do we usually deal with them? Most of the time we try to move away from these people, making sure our interaction with them is minimal and making sure we don’t do acts that trigger their behavior. This strategy works best for people who are not close to us, with people we meet on the road or one time clients.

However, this is not the best policy, especially if this is your life partner, a close colleague. You might not ask for an increment or a promotion from a boss. You would start drifting away from the life partner, you would not be able to get a help from a colleague or reach out and help them.

Are there better ways to deal with them?

Well, there are many ways, and the path you would select depends on the outcome you desire. Some of the possible outcomes are,
  • Building an effective relationship
  • Helping them to change their behaviors

Building an effective relationship
One major obstacle we would face dealing people we have already labelled angry is our behaviour towards them. When we have had enough experiences of getting beaten down we would adopt a defensive or aggressive stance against a person depending on our personality and the life situation. Fear, anger, disgust seems to be common responses. And these behaviours would eventually become habitual. We would start facing a person being ready to fight or flight.

We all know “What goes around comes around”. When we approach a person with anger or fear, we definitely receive anger or fear in return, eventually making a dysfunctional relationship. In NLP terms this is Outcome Expectancy. If we want to achieve the functional relationship, we need to approach it with the emotions and attitudes that would help build a functional relationship. Have you ever successfully build a long term relationship based on anger or fear towards each other? Successful long term relationships are based on love, kindness and respect to each other.

Changing negativity towards someone

1.    Check how you feel about that person
A good start would be to check how you feel about the person. Thing about the person and check what are the emotion you are feeling. Think about meeting the person and check your emotions again. Knowing how we feel about someone gives a good opportunity for us to change the way we respond.

2.    Empathize
Empathy would be the best way to change your negativity towards a person. There may be a situation that you got angry or passed sarcastic comment. What drove you to behave like that? Now think what would be causing them to behave negatively.

3.    Everyone does good
Realizing other person has a good side help greatly reducing negativity towards a person. List the good deeds of the other person.

If you feel you don’t behave negatively ask your good friends, they would give you a long list. If you cannot find a good deed of the other person, ask others, specially their friend, you would be ashamed of your ignorance.

Above exercises would help you steer away the negativity. If you still find there are beliefs that you would like to let go, or the issues runs deep, you would be able to get help from a NLP Practitioner or a Life Coach to resolve them.

Having positive outlook in an instance
People around us respond to our emotional state. If anger lingers in back of our head, then others respond to us with either anger or fear. Same goes for other emotional states, if we are in loving and kind state, then others also respond to you with the same. You can easily try this. When you are at a place where there are many strangers, start genuinely smiling with people. You would notice that other start to reciprocate, even the ones deeply engaged in other activities will put an effort to respond.

Memories are a very powerful way to shift to an emotional state quickly. Say you want to feel happy. Just remember an occasion that you were happy, and relive that experience fully, see things you saw, hear what you heard and feel what you felt at that time. You would start feeling happiness building inside you.

Let’s use this to help us face a tough situation. Just think of the emotional states that you would like to have. For example when dealing with someone tends to get angry, useful emotional states are Friendly love and Kindness.  Depending on your specific scenario, you might want to use more emotional states. Then find memories where you had these emotions and relive them. Now you are good get benefits from encounters where you had disastrous results before.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Today is a bright day

Today is a very bright day, Many interesting things happening...
People offering their help and I am making good decisions...

Guess it is not the "day", it is how I approach the "day"

Thursday, March 03, 2011

NLP Practitioner

I got the good news!

I have got through NLP practitioner certification by AUNLP.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Release me from me

Dear God, please release me at least for a minute from all the restrictions and limitations I have imposed on myself knowingly and unknowingly so that I can enjoy a bit of life... 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dear blocked emotion

Dear Blocked emotion,

Thanks for letting me know your presence. I acknowledge you.
Please reveal yourself when you know I am ready to handle it.
If you want to dissapear on your own, please feel free to do so.
I promise that I will not hold a grudge against you!

Thank you again.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Was that the last day?

We were called for a Reiki session at an hospital. The patient had cancer, and doctors have given him a day to live. He has pushed that thus far by five days. One of the his neighbors saw the pain he was suffering and wanted get help from Reiki to help him be comfortable.

When we reached the hospital room, fear and tension was overflowing. Patients relatives have come with their fears and added to the tension of the situation.

We had to start clearing the room with Reiki and empowering it. The Reiki session went well and the patient was quite receptive.He some times guided our hands the places where he feel healing is needed.

Since the condition of the the patient's room was not conducive to a recovery, we gave some instructions to relatives,
  Play some music, something patient likes a lot, instead of slow chatter, that helps him to relax
  Don't look at him as if he is already dead, look at him with love and kindness
  Show that you love him and be very genuine about it

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Truth about Life

At last, I figured it out. Now I can proudly say that I know the truth about life.

Would I tell that to you?
Hmmm, let's see...

If I tell you, wouldn't you take it, map it to your world view and change the meaning fully?

So, I guess there is no point.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The other day I went to a Zumba session. Many people of all sizes and shapes were there. Instructor showed us many cool moves. However, I have the feeling those moves did not look that cool when I was doing them. Classes ended with a freestyle dance session.
After the session I realized I cannot walk well, since I seems to have stretched a muscle in my feet. Lucky for me I am a REIKI practitioner now.
I started self healing and after half an hour the pain substantially reduced. After doing self healing for two more days, half an hour each, I the pain fully subdued.