Monday, August 02, 2010

Over the weekend I took part in a Reiki training program.
Now I a certified Reiki Level I and II Practitioner.
My Reiki master is Ms Jayamini Samarathunge. (

Next level is to be a Reiki master, which would need a year of practice to be initiated.

On Reiki:
Reiki is secular enlightenment system as well as a re-balancing system developed by Dr.Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 1900’s. It is not attached to any religion and no belief system is needed. Reiki is a non-invasive healing system to bring about wellbeing and balance to all things. As a Reiki Practitioner you are ...simply a channel for our universal energy, which acts as a healing energy.

We are maintaining a Facebook page for our community.